Playland climbing arch

The Playland climbing arch is very popular and can be found in many children’s bedrooms. The Playland climbing ark is always on sale at discounters like Aldi. The climbing toy for the nursery is always quickly sold out. But what’s so special about the Playland climbing arch? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this climbing toy? And are there any alternatives if the Playland climbing arch is already sold out in the shop? All these questions are explained in the following text.

What’s so special about the Playland climbing arch?

The arch, which invites you to climb, swing, crawl and slide, is made entirely of wood and can be fitted with a mat that can be attached in different ways. For example, the mat can be attached to the rungs of the Playland climbing arch using Velcro. Alternatively, the mat can be used separately, for example as a sleeping pad.

But even without a mat, the Playland Climbing Arch is ideal for children who like to move around a lot to play and let off steam in their own bedroom. Particularly in bad weather, the climbing arch allows children to satisfy both their natural need to move and their desire to play. If you have a suitable mat, the Playland arch can be turned around in a jiffy and used as a seesaw. Children can use it to play or relax, for example by looking at a picture book. Those with a garden can also place the climbing arch on the lawn so that children can climb safely in the open air. What’s more, the climbing arch is made from sturdy wood. Playland arches are not painted, as the paint pigments come off and can be swallowed by children. It’s important to make sure that children can already walk safely enough not to hurt themselves playing with the Playland climbing arch. If the children are old enough and safe enough, a climbing arch is ideal for encouraging children’s development, on which climbing has a major impact, as it trains both their sense of balance and motor skills.

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What’s good, what’s bad?

Like almost everything else in life, there are pros and cons to using a climbing arch, which need to be weighed up against each other in order to decide whether the Playland climbing arch is right for your child or whether you can do without it. On the one hand, it should be noted that the climbing arch can be set up quickly and easily in the child’s bedroom, offering an alternative to the playground, especially in bad weather. On the other hand, it’s important to ensure that the child’s motor skills and movements are sufficiently advanced to climb the arch safely. Unpainted wood is both positive and negative. On the one hand, wood is a safe, harmless and robust material. On the other hand, you have to bear in mind that wood is very plain and may therefore seem a little sad to children who prefer colourful things. You also need to make sure there’s enough room for the climbing arch in the nursery, as there needs to be a clear space around the arch so that the child can’t bump into another piece of furniture if he loses his balance. All in all, though, the Playland climbing arch is an extremely safe option that invites climbing and movement. Of course, you also have to bear in mind that a child probably won’t be playing with the climbing arch for years, as it becomes less of a challenge as the child’s abilities develop, and so loses its appeal.

What are the alternatives?

If you’re sceptical about whether a climbing arch is the right toy for your child, or if there isn’t enough room in the bedroom to install the Playland climbing arch and you still want to give your child the chance to climb in their own bedroom, you can opt for a climbing wall that attaches to the bedroom wall and therefore takes up very little space. However, a climbing wall is recommended for slightly older children.

The balance sheet

The Playland climbing arch is recommended for children who want to satisfy their natural need to move, even in bad weather. However, it’s important to ensure that children are sufficiently confident in their motor skills to be able to use the arch safely.